9 Insights

Welcome to 9 Insights. In addition to authoring The Ash Girl, I am a tarot guide, intuitive counselor and life writing mentor. Learn more below about how I can support you on your path to wholeness, as you navigate through this life. Bookings are done via email exchange. I currently offer tarot guidance, workshops and intuitive counseling sessions in-person only at 359 Yoga studio in Wyandotte, Michigan. Life writing mentorships are available virtually for projects from personal journaling to workshopping your memoir or novel.

tarot card and crystals

Tarot Guidance

Together we will call on your guides/god(s)/goddess(es)/higher self. We will ask them to show you what you need to see and do now in this life, using the tarot cards to offer their guidance.

Unlike a psychic reading or mediumship, I create the safe space for your guides to speak through the cards and help you make meaning, gain insights and understand what your life is asking of you next.

Available in 60 and 90 minute sessions.

60 min = $60
90 min = $90

Intuitive Counseling

Intuitive counseling calls forth
YOUR deepest intuition, sensing and clarifying how to navigate through this moment to move with ease on your path through this life.

I will intuit and guide you through the best modality for you and the situation, which may include tarot, guided meditation, narrative re-authoring, shamanic journey, art journaling and more - all with your permission of course!

Available in 90 min to 2 hour sessions.

90 min = $90
2 hours = $120

Life Writing Mentoring

Life writing takes on many forms from personal journaling for healing to writing a memoir or novel. With a Masters in Creative Writing and a novel finished that was an incredible journey into my deep ancestral and spiritual past, present, and future, I offer a limited number of private mentorships.

Connect with me about your writing desires and dreams and let’s explore if I am the mentor you have been waiting for.

Available in 6 month and 1 year pacts.

Pricing varies depending on scope of your project and mentorship.

Lisa has twenty years of experience as a tarot guide and intuitive counselor using a variety of the modalities mentioned. This is an unlicensed sector of personal growth support and is required by law to be defined as ‘for entertainment purposes only.’ The service provider cannot be held responsible for any actions or inactions of the recipient or any consequences resulting from those actions or inactions. Having said all of that, if you are open and committed to living your best life for the highest good, listening to your guides and making choices in your best interest, I am confident you will have a transformative, safe, and WOW experience!

Lisa also has a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from Rainier Writers Workshop hosted at Pacific Lutheran University in the Pacific Northwest. As the ‘terminal’ degree in the craft, she is qualified to teach at the University level, but has chosen (for now) to offer private mentorships to any level writer who has need and interest.